UCASHO Enterprise emanates from South African Communication Union (SACU)
UCASHO is a worker’s union within the Information Technology and Communication sector

UCASHO Enterprise emanates from South African Communication Union (SACU).

UCASHO is a worker’s union within the Information Technology and Communication sector. We are responding to the communication revolution which has taken over many industries in South Africa and globally, by providing an administrative service to the huge outsourcing currently taking place in the IT industry.
The name UCASHO originates from SACU, it is SACU in reverse while HO stands for Head Office.


From the mind-set of trade unionist with both the understanding of the industry, the client and the requirements of the independent contractors, UCASHO positioned itself as an alternative to the huge outsourcing currently taking place in Telkom SA and in the industry as a whole. We offer multi-discipline management of Field Operations Services, technology and outsourced entities under one banner. Our end to end user delivery solution is manned by fulltime dedicated staff from previously disadvantaged backgrounds.

We provide an ‘End to end solution’ in the service delivery space referring to our current activations and assurance (commonly known a installs and repairs) as well as Network Maintenance in the last. We pride ourselves with a great reputation of service delivery to our independent contractors and a great administrator to our client. Ensuring that the end-user experience is faultless and impeccable. Ours is to ensure that both our client and independent contractors do what they do best and we play our part in taking the customer centric approach.


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